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    Information for all Foreign Applicants




    Founded in 1956 and located in Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the south of China, GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine is a higher educational institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine with the integration of education, scientific research, medical treatment and patent medicine production.

     There are more than 18,000 students and over 5,200 teaching and medical staff in the University.

     Affiliated with the university there are five hospitals, one pharmaceutical factory, one TCM school, nine research institutes and a clinical cooperation with over twenty other hospitals.

     In 2003, after an assessment conducted by the Ministry of Education theGuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine was ranked as “excellent” in the field of undergraduate education.

     GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine is among the earliest higher educational institutions approved to admit students from abroad by the Chinese Ministry of Education and is authorized to confer masters and bachelor degrees.

     In recent years, it has educated more than 1000 students and physicians from over twenty countries including Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland,USA, UK, Vietnam, ect.

    Undergraduate Programs

    GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine offers a range of educational programs (see Table 1- the most popular majors for foreign students).

     It must be noted that all instruction and lectures are conducted in Chinese and students intending to enroll in any of the specialty programs must therefore be fluent in Chinese.

    Table 1


    Duration (year)

    Tuition fee per annum  (RMB  yuan)

    Traditional Chinese Medicine



    Acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese Massage TherapyTuina



    TCM Traumatology and Orthopedics



    TCM Surgery



    Combination of TCM and Western Medicine



    Chinese Materia Medica



    Chinese Language for TCM practitioners



    Language program does not provide any degree.

    GXUCM provides more than 20 Bachelor degree courses. Please contact us for more information.

    admission requirements

    • Qualifications: Completion of higher school education (proof of qualification must be provided, e g. diplomas, certificates and school reports);
    • Chinese Language skills: Be fluent in Chinese and a pass in the level six Chinese proficiency test (HSK) or an certificate on Chinese language training, however for students without Chinese language skills, a 1-2 years Chinese Language course can be provided subject to adequate numbers;
    • Graduation: Graduation is subject to successful completion of all subjects with enough credits;
    • General Requirements (see section heading General Requirements)

     Master Degree program

    GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine offers a range of educational programs for postgraduates (see Table 2 -the most popular majors for foreign students).

    It must be noted that all instruction and lectures for the 3-year full time course are conducted in Chinese and students intending to enroll in any of the specialty programs must be fluent in Chinese.

    Table 2


    Duration (years)

    Tuition fee per annum  (RMB yuan)

    Acupuncture and Moxibustion



    Chinese Massage TherapyTuina



    TCM Traumatology  and Orthopedics



    Internal Medicine of TCM



    Chinese Materia Medica



    Integrated Pharmacology (Western and Chinese Medicine)



    History and Development of TCM



    Clinical Combination of TCM and Western Medicine



    Classical Theory of TCM -Advanced



     admission requirements

    • Chinese Language skills: Be fluent in Chinese;
    • Prerequisite Qualifications: Applicant to have completed a Bachelor Degree in medical science at an approved medical educational institution or diploma of medical science and have a minimum of two years clinical experience in medicine. The applicant is required to provide supporting documentation such as certificates or letters from employers describing your role in the clinic and the duration of employment in this role;
    • General Requirements (see section heading General Requirements).

     Part-time Master Degree Program

    For 3-year part time study, all instruction and lectures are conducted in English or Chinese. The masters program needs at least 3 students as a group class. All students are required to come to the university for two weeks of theoretical study at first semester of each academic year. Then professors and teachers from the university will be invited to teach at the county or areas where the students live at the second semester of each academic year. All the expenses including the air tickets, local board and lodging and allowance should be covered by the students.         

    Table 3


    Duration (years)

    Tuition fee per annum  (RMB yuan)

    Acupuncture and Moxibustion



    Chinese Massage TherapyTuina



    TCM Traumatology  and Orthopedics



    Internal Medicine of TCM



    Chinese Materia Medica



    Integrated Pharmacology (Western and Chinese Medicine)



    History and Development of TCM



    Clinical Combination of TCM and Weste, , rn Medicine



    Classical Theory of TCM - Advanced



    admission requirements

    • Language of instruction: Graduate courses are supported with an English speaking interpreter service for Non Chinese speaking students and are also conducted in Chinese.  
    • Prerequisite Qualifications & Postgraduate Exam (see section in Master Degree program)
    • General Requirements (see section heading General Requirements).

    extra curriculm study programs

    GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine offers a range of short-term courses as part of it’s extra curriculum Study Program.

     These are listed as follows:

    • TCM Classical Theory
    • TCM Diagnosis
    • Chinese Materia Medica
    • TCM Prescriptions
    • TCM Healthcare
    • TCM Cosmetology
    • Acupuncture and Moxibustion,
    • TCM Massage Therapy(Tuina),
    • TCM Internal Medicineherbal Medicine
    • TCM Surgery, TCM Traumatology and Orthopaedics,
    • TCM Gynecology,
    • TCM Pediatrics,
    • TCM Dermatology, etc and their clinical practice.

     Language of instruction: Short courses are supported with an English speaking interpreter service for Non Chinese speaking students and are also conducted in Chinese.

    Course duration:

    Short course duration can range from 1 week to 12 months and held over a five day week with a total 26 hours.

    Tuition Fees:

    Tuition fees are listed in Table 4 and are payable within three days of arrival.

    Tuition fees are not refundable for any reason.

    Table 4

    Language of Instruction

    Tuition Fees per week  (RMB yuan)





    A group concession applies for a group of 3 students and above.

    Individual students enrolled in courses exceeding a period of 3 months will also receive a discount.


    General requirements (see section heading General Requirements) including the following.


            The applicant can be a graduate of a Medical or Health Science qualification from a recognized university or other educational institution;  

            Engaged in medical research and treatment;

            A qualified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine

            A TCM enthusiast for short-term beginning course


    General Requirements

    • Health Certification: The applicant maybe required to undergo a complete medical examination;
    • Law: The applicant will be contracted to abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China and abide by the policies and guidelines of the GuangxiTCMUniversity.
    • Code of Conduct: The student is required to demonstrate a respect for international equal opportunity concepts which include antidiscrimination on the basis of ***, race or religion. Contravention of any of these requirements and including ***ual harassment will not be tolerated.
    • Documentation; Application Form, Copies of Passport and 3 passport photographs are to be submitted to the administration of the Faculty of International Education;
    • Registration Fees: A registration fee of 400 RMB yuan (about $50US) will be paid on application.  This fee is not refundable
    • Beginning of term: For undergraduate and graduate program, the school year starts at the fall semester in September only.

    procedure for admission

    1. Application forms can be either downloaded from the official website of GuangxiTCMUniversity or obtained directly from the university.
    2. Fax, email or post the completed form and documentation required(correspondence details provided above) to the university at least 2 months before the beginning of courses;
    3. On receipt and acceptance of your application form a “Notice of Admission” and a Visa Application for Study in China form (JW202 Form) will be forwarded to the applicant;
    4. Submit them to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General for a student’s Visa “X” or an academic visit Visa “F”.  

    overseas student accommodation

    Accommodation for short-term students is available at the university in the overseas students’ residence and price is 80 RMB yuan (about $13 US) per night.

    Accommodation Facilities include:

    • Personal toilet and shower
    • Telephone
    • Internet connection(2 yuan per day)
    • Single or double rooms.

    Accommodation for undergraduate students is available at the university in the students’ residence and price is 1200 RMB yuan ($175 US) per year.

    Rooms for rent are also available near the campus for all students.


    Overseas students can access the university cafeteria or restaurants nearby and purchase meals for 14-30 RMB yuan ($2-4 US) per day.

    contact information

    If you require further information please contact us by post, e-mail, fax or by phone.

    Postal Address:

    Faculty of International Education

    GuangxiUniversity of Chinese Medicine

    179 Ming Xiu Dong Road


    Guangxi, 530001



    Tel:  0086- 771- 3137401/3148091

    Fax:  0086- 771- 3135812

    Website: fie.h20bbs.com 

    Download of Application Form




    E-mail: fiegxtcm@126.com

