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      发布时间:2024-03-19 11:20:45 浏览次数: 【字体:

              罗小卫,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,海洋药物研究院副院长。广西杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选中组部“西部之光”学者和尊龙凯时“岐黄工程”高层次人才团队带头人和“桂派杏林青年英才”,2023年广西科技奖-自然科学类三等奖的第一完成人。主持(完成)国家自然科学基金项目2项和广西科技项目3项,以第一/通讯作者在 J Med Chem, Org Chem Front 等高质量学术期刊发表SCI等论文42篇,主编专著1部,申请或授权发明专利12件。担任中国菌物学会菌物化学专业委员会委员,广西药学会海洋药物专业委员会常务委员兼秘书,Marine Drugs 期刊 Guest editor,《中草药》杂志青年编委等。


      E-mail: luoxw@h20bbs.com / luoxiaowei1991@126.com







      2021.12-至今         尊龙凯时海洋药物研究院  副研究员;

      2019.06-2021.11         尊龙凯时海洋药物研究院  助理研究员;

      2014.09-2019.06         中国科学院南海海洋研究所/中国科学院大学  理学博士;

      2010.09-2014.06         南方医科大学  医学/文学双学士;



      [1] 中国菌物学会菌物化学专业委员会委员(2021-2026)

      [2] 广西药学会海洋药物专业委员会常务委员兼秘书(2022-2027)

      [3] 广西中药材产业协会海洋中药分会委员(2021-2026)

      [4] 《中草药》杂志第三届青年编委(2023-2025年)

      [5] Marine Drugs 期刊 Guest editor(2021-)



      [1] 中央组织部“西部之光”学者(2023)

      [2] 尊龙凯时“记功”(2022)

      [3] 博士研究生国家奖学金(2017和2018)

      [4] 刘瑞玉海洋科学奖学金(2018)




      [1] 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,22007019,2021.01-2023.12,结题;

      [2] 国家自然科学基金-地区科学基金项目,82260692, 2023.01-2026.12,在研;

      [3] 广西杰出青年科学基金项目,2023JJG140008,2024.01-2027.12,在研;

      [4] 广西青年科学基金项目,2020GXNSFBA159001,2020.07-2023.07,结题;

      [5] 广西科技基地和人才专项,桂科AD20297003,2021.01-2023.07,结题;

      [6] 广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目,2020KY07032,2020.04-2023.03,结题;

      [7] 尊龙凯时 “岐黄工程”高层次人才团队培育项目,202407,2024.01-2026.12,在研;

      [8] 尊龙凯时 “桂派杏林青年英才”,2022C038,2022.01-2024.12,在研; 


      [1] 国家自然科学基金-区域创新发展联合基金项目,U20A20101,2021.01-2024.12,在研;

      [2] 国家自然科学基金-地区科学基金项目,82160669,2022.01-2025.12,在研;

      [3] 广西第五批 “八桂学者”专项, 2019.03-2024.02,在研;

      [4] 广西创新研究团队项目,2020GXNSFGA297002,2021.01-2024.12,在研;

      [5] 广西自然科学基金-粤桂联合基金-重点项目,2021GXNSFDA075010,2021.04-2025.03,在研;



      [30]   Chen Chunmei#; Xiao Lingxiang#; Luo Xiaowei#; Cai Jian; Huang Lishan; Tao Huaming; Zhou Xuefeng*; Tan Yanhui*; Liu Yonghong*, Identifying marine-derived tanzawaic acid derivatives as novel inhibitors against osteoclastogenesis and osteoporosis via downregulation of NF-κB and NFATc1 activation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2024, 67(4): 2602–2618. (IF=7.3, 1区top)

      [29]   Qin Yuning#; Lu Humu#; Qi Xin; Lin Miaoping; Gao Chenghai; Liu Yonghong*; Luo Xiaowei*, Recent advances in chemistry and bioactivities of secondary metabolites from the genus AcremoniumJournal of Fungi, 2024, 10(1): 37. (IF=4.7, 2区)

      [28] Fu Jun#; Luo Xiaowei#; Lin Miaoping; Xiao Zimin; Huang Lishan; Wang Jiaxi; Zhu Yongyan; Liu Yonghong; Tao Huaming*, Marine-fungi-derived gliotoxin promotes autophagy to suppress Mycobacteria tuberculosis infection in macrophage. Marine Drugs, 2023, 21(12): 616. (IF=6.085, 2区)

      [27] Zhang Yanting#; Lin Miaoping#; Qin Yuning; Lu Humu; Xu Xinya; Gao Chenghai; Liu Yonghong*; Luo Wenfang*; Luo Xiaowei*, Anti-Vibrio potential of natural products from marine microorganisms. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2023, 252: 115330. (IF=7.088, 1区top)

      [26] Wang Jiamin#, Qin Yuning#, Lin Miaoping, Song Yingying, Lu Humu, Xu Xinya, Liu Yonghong, Zhou Xuefeng*, Gao Chenghai *, Luo Xiaowei, Marine natural products from the Beibu Gulf: sources, chemistry, and bioactivities. Marine Drugs, 2023, 21(2): 63. (IF=6.085, 2区)

      [25] Lin Miaoping#; Tang Zhenzhou#; Wang Jiaxi; Lu Humu; Wang Chenwei; Zhang Yanting; Liu Xinming; Gao Chenghai, Liu Yonghong, Luo Xiaowei*, An epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloid and diversified aromatic polyketides with cytotoxicity from the Beibu Gulf coral-derived fungus Emericella nidulans GXIMD 02509, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2023, 24(3): 275–280. (IF=5.552, 2区)

      [24] Ye Yuxiu; Liang Jiaqi; She Jianglian; Lin Xiuping; Wang Junfeng; Liu Yonghong; Yang Dehua; Tan Yanhui*; Luo Xiaowei*; Zhou Xuefeng*, Two new alkaloids and a new butenolide derivative from the Beibu Gulf sponge-derived fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO 41413. Marine Drugs, 2023, 21(1): 27. (IF=6.085, 2区)

      [23] Huang Bingyao#; Peng Shuai #; Liu Shifang; Zhang Yanting; Wei Yuxiao; Xu Xinya; Gao Chenghai; Liu Yonghong*; Luo Xiaowei*. Isolation, screening, and active metabolites identification of anti-Vibrio fungal strains derived from the Beibu Gulf coral, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 930981. (IF=6.064, 2区top)

      [22] Wang Jiamin#; Li Zhichao#; Zhang Yanting; Chen Chunmei; Chen Weihao; Gao Chenghai; Liu Yonghong; Tan Yanhui; Luo Xiaowei*. A new α-cyclopiazonic acid alkaloid identified from the Weizhou Island coral-derived fungus Aspergillus flavus GXIMD 02503. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2022, 21(5): 1307–1312. (2区/T1级)

      [21] Wang Xueni#; Luo Xiaowei#; Gan Xia; Chen Chunmei; Yang Zaizhun; Wen Jing; Fang Wenxuan; Huang Hailing; Gao Chenghai; Zhou Xuefeng; Feng Xiaotao; Liu Yonghong*, Analysis of regulating activities of 5′-epiequisetin on proliferation, apoptosis, and migration of prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13: 920554. (IF=5.988, 2区top)

      [20] Wang Jiamin; Pang, Xiaoyan; Chen Chunmei; Gao Chenghai; Zhou Xuefeng; Liu Yonghong*; Luo Xiaowei*. Chemistry, biosynthesis, and biological activity of halogenated compounds produced by marine microorganisms, Chinese Journal of Chemistry2022 40(14): 1729–1750. (Front Cover article, IF=5.56, 2区/卓越期刊)

      [19] Lu Humu#; Tan Yanhui#; Zhang Yanting; Li Zhichao; Chen Jinying; Gao Chenghai; Liu Yonghong*; Luo Xiaowei*. Osteoclastogenesis inhibitory phenolic derivatives produced by the Beibu Gulf coral-associated fungus Acremonium sclerotigenum GXIMD 02501. Fitoterapia, 2022, 159: 105201.

      [18] Chen Chunmei#; Ren Xue#; Tao Huaming; Cai Wenteng; Chen Yuchi; Luo Xiaowei*; Guo Peng*; Liu Yonghong*. Anti-inflammatory polyketides from an alga-derived fungus Aspergillus ochraceopetaliformis SCSIO 41020. Marine Drugs, 2022, 20(5): 295. (IF=6.085, 2区)

      [17] Zhang Yanting#; Li Zhichao#; Huang Bingyao; Liu Kai; Peng Shuai; Liu Xinming; Gao Chenghai; Liu Yonghong*; Tan Yanhui*; Luo Xiaowei*. Anti-osteoclastogenic and antibacterial effects of chlorinated polyketides from the Beibu Gulf coral-derived fungus Aspergillus unguis GXIMD 02505. Marine Drugs, 2022, 20(3): 178. (IF=6.085, 2区)

      [16] Luo Xiaowei *,#; Cai Guodi#; Guo Yinfeng#; Gao Chenghai; Huang Weifeng; Zhang Zhenhua; Lu Humu; Liu Kai; Chen Jianghe; Xiong Xiaofeng; Lei Jinping; Zhou Xuefeng*; Wang Junjian *; Liu Yonghong*. Exploring the marine-derived ascochlorins as novel human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors for treatment of triple-negative breast cancer. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64(18): 13918–13932. (Supplementary Cover, IF=7.446, 1区top)

      [15] Guo Lang#; Luo Xiaowei#; Yang Ping#; Zhang Yanting; Huang Jialuo; Wang Hong; Guo Yinfeng; Huang Weifeng; Chen Zhiqiang; Wang Shusheng; Wang Junjian; Lei Jinping*; Xiang Songtao*; Liu Yonghong*. Ilicicolin A exerts antitumor effect in castration-resistant prostate cancer via suppressing EZH2 signaling pathway. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 12: 723729. (IF=5.81, 2区)

      [14] Chen Chunmei; Chen Weihao; Tao Huaming; Yang Bin; Zhou Xuefeng; Luo Xiaowei*; Liu Yonghong*. Diversified polyketides and nitrogenous compounds from the mangrove endophytic fungus Penicillium steckii SCSIO 41025. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 39: 2132–2140. (IF=6.0, 2区/卓越期刊)

      [13] Chen Chunmei; Chen Weihao; Pang Xiaoyan; Liao Shengrong; Wang Junfeng; Lin Xiuping; Yang Bin; Zhou Xuefeng; Luo Xiaowei*; Liu Yonghong*. Pyrrolyl 4-quinolone alkaloids from the mangrove endophytic fungus Penicillium steckii SCSIO 41025: Chiral resolution, configurational assignment, and enzyme inhibitory activities. Phytochemistry, 2021, 186: 112730. (IF=4.072, 2区)

      [12] Li Kunlong; Su Ziqi; Gao Yongli; Lin Xiuping; Pang Xiaoyan; Yang Bin; Tao Huaming; Luo Xiaowei*; Liu Yonghong*; Zhou Xuefeng*, Cytotoxic minor piericidin derivatives from the actinomycete strain Streptomyces psammoticus SCSIO NS126. Marine Drugs, 2021, 19(8): 428. (IF=5.118, 2区)

      [11] Zhang Zhenhua#; Zhang Yidi#; Yang Chunju#; Wang Qianyu; Wang Hong; Zhang Yanting; Deng Wenbin; Nie Yichu; Liu Yonghong; Luo Xiaowei*; Huang Jie*; Wang Junjian*. Antitumor effects of 3-bromoascochlorin on small cell lung cancer via inhibiting MAPK pathway. Cell Biology International, 2021, 45(11): 2380-2390.

      [10] Luo Xiaowei*#; Chen Chunmei; Li Kunlong; Lin Xiuping; Gao Chenghai; Zhou Xuefeng; Liu Yonghong*. Sesquiterpenoids and meroterpenoids from a mangrove derived fungus Diaporthe sp. SCSIO 41011. Natural Product Research, 2021, 35(2): 282–288.

      [9] Luo Xiaowei; Gao Chenghai; Lu Humu; Wang Jiamin; Su Ziqi; Tao Huaming; Zhou Xuefeng; Yang Bin*; Liu Yonghong*. HPLC-DAD-guided isolation of diversified chaetoglobosins from the coral-associated fungus Chaetomium globosum C2F17. Molecules, 2020, 25(5): 1237.

      [8] Chen Chunmei; Tao Huaming; Chen Weihao; Yang Bin; Zhou Xuefeng; Luo Xiaowei*; Liu Yonghong*. Recent advances in the chemistry and biology of azaphilones. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(17): 10197−10220.

      [7] Luo Xiaowei; Chen Chunmei; Tao Huaming; Lin Xiuping; Yang Bin; Zhou Xuefeng*; Liu Yonghong*. Structurally diverse diketopiperazine alkaloids from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor SCSIO 41016. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6(6): 736–740.(IF=5.455,1区top)

      [6] Limbadri Salendra#; Luo Xiaowei#; Lin Xiuping; Wang Junfeng; Yang Bin; Zhou Xuefeng; Liu Yonghong*. Versispiroketal A; an unusual tetracyclic bridged spiroketal from the sponge-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor SCSIO 41013. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17(8): 2182–2186.

      [5] Luo Xiaowei; Lin Yun; Lu Yongjun; Zhou Xuefeng*; Liu Yonghong*. Peptides and polyketides from the marine sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus SCSIO 41008. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2019, 17(2): 149–154.

      [4] Luo Xiaowei; Gao Chenghai; Han Fanghai; Chen Xianqiang; Lin Xiuping; Zhou Xuefeng; Wang Junjian*; Liu Yonghong*. A new naphthopyranone from the sponge-associated fungus Penicillium sp. XWS02F62. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2019, 57(11): 982−986.

      [3] Luo Xiaowei; Lin Xiuping; Tao Huaming; Wang Junfeng; Li Jiayi; Yang Bin; Zhou Xuefeng *; Liu Yonghong*. Isochromophilones A–F, cytotoxic chloroazaphilones from the marine mangrove endophytic fungus Diaporthe sp. SCSIO 41011. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81(4): 934–941.

      [2] Luo Xiaowei#; Yang Jie#; Chen Feimin; Lin Xiuping; Chen Chunmei; Zhou Xuefeng*; Liu Shuwen*; Liu Yonghong*. Structurally diverse polyketides from the mangrove-derived fungus Diaporthe sp. SCSIO 41011 with their anti-influenza A virus activities. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 282.

      [1] Luo Xiaowei; Lin Xiuping; Limbadri Salendra; Pang Xiaoyan; Dai Yu; Yang Bin; Liu Juan; Wang Junfeng; Zhou Xuefeng*; Liu Yonghong*. Isobenzofuranones and isochromenones from the deep-sea derived fungus Leptosphaeria sp. SCSIO 41005. Marine Drugs, 2017, 15(7): 204.



      [1] 罗小卫; 刘永宏; 王军舰; 高程海; 蔡国弟; 一种壳二孢氯素类化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤药物或二氢乳清酸脱氢酶抑制剂药物中的应用; 2021-02-05; ZL202010844200.0;

      [2] 罗小卫; 刘永宏; 王军舰; 高程海; 卢护木. 混源萜类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗乳腺癌或二氢乳清酸脱氢酶抑制剂药物中的应用; 2022-09-02; ZL202010843144.9;

      [3] 罗小卫; 谭艳辉; 林妙萍; 刘永宏; 高程海; 卢护木; 氯代间苯二酚醛类化合物及其在制备破骨细胞分化抑制剂中的应用; 2023-08-15; ZL202210093211.9;

      [4] 罗小卫; 谭艳辉; 林妙萍; 刘永宏; 高程海; 覃育宁; 苯乙酸类化合物在制备破骨细胞分化抑制剂中的应用; 2022-11-24; 202211484881.X;

      [5] 罗小卫; 林妙萍; 谭艳辉; 张艳婷; 高程海; 刘永宏; 溴代嗜氮酮类化合物在制备破骨细胞分化抑制剂上的应用; 2022-11-22; 202211466119.9;

      [6] 罗小卫; 王佳敏; 谭艳辉; 林妙萍; 卢护木; 高程海; 刘永宏; 吲哚二萜生物碱类化合物及其制备方法和应用; 2023-11-04; 202311457891.9;

      [7] 刘昕明; 罗小卫; 林妙萍; 谭艳辉; 彭帅; 王佳敏; 高程海; 刘永宏; 一种吲哚二酮哌嗪类化合物及其制备方法和在制备破骨细胞分化抑制剂中的应用; 2023-11-04; 2023114579894;

      [8] 谭艳辉; 罗小卫; 李智超; 谭小辉; 刘永宏; 伊快霉素在制备破骨细胞分化抑制剂中的应用; 2022-06-17; ZL202011382732.3; 

      [9] 周雪峰; 唐斓; 方伟; 罗小卫; 李坤龙; 刘永宏; 两个粉蝶霉素葡萄糖苷及其在抗肾癌药物中的应用; 2020-11-06; ZL201811340841.1;

      [10] 谭艳辉; 谭小辉; 李智超; 罗小卫; 黄文婧; 伊快霉素在制备抗关节炎药物中的应用; 2020-12-01; 202011383454.3;

      [11] 黄炳耀; 韦玉晓; 唐振洲; 罗小卫; 刘锴; 白猛; 高程海; 一种以三角褐指藻藻细胞为模板无需提取纯化DNA的快速PCR检测方法; 2021-09-30; 202111157252.1;

      [12] 林霄; 柴玲; 罗小卫; 李正媛; 杨炜婵; 陈龙; 曾雪燕; 一种海绵共附生真菌来源线性肽类化合物及其制备方法与应用; 2023-06-30; ZL202211508205.1;
